Sunday 9 August 2009

Thamesmead is a hole.

In order of appearance:
Dave Chesson, Tom Crowe, Mark Brewster, Ed Harper, Nick Biagoni (Rav), Nick Jensen, Pete King, Luke Hunt, Simon Skipp, Matt Cotton, Tom Ball, Clive.

I think this clip was put together purely becuase I had some new editing equipment/software. Maybe. It'd explain the reverse footage and the crappy mosaic fade out at the end. This edit is from about 1997. I found it on a CD-Rom when I last moved house.

The tower blocks at the start are the Thamesmead Estate in South East London. They appeared a couple of years later in the Aphex Twin Come to Daddy video.
Thamesmead is quite possibly of of the worst places, ever. The old police station was burnt out had then been moved into an adjoining port-a-cabin. In turn, this had been burnt out so they'd just moved to another next door.

On a Dave Chesson hot tip, we went out relatively early to skate there on a weekday, thinking that all the smackheads would be asleep. It was the right plan.
Simon Skipp's Backside 360 flip to bow legged run out was filmed there, too. I'll have to find the other Chesson/Skipp tricks from that session and get them up soon.

This clip has got a few Chesson treats, actually...I can't think of seeing him do many Backside Nosegrinds, and that Frontboard on the now defunct Bexley Heath rail was great.
Brewster's Zoo Yorked out Frontboard near Southbank is really of its time. Black Shell pants. Yo.

Ed Harper is the guy doing the Frontside Half Cab Flip. He used to knock about Playstation Skatepark until the boss gave him a job. He's now in a pretty successful band called White Rose Movement. Matt Cotton is in there too with a Switch Heelflip Varial. I think this was the day he came out with the "If I don't get sponsored this summer, I am going to quit skating" line. Ha.
I saw him a year or so ago. I think he actually did quit for some time.

Rav is in there skating my old secondary school. He once had a sequence in Sidewalk skating the middle of the A12 link to the M11 about 200 meters from where I now live. I saw him in a pub last night, too. I think thats the main reason I uploaded this clip today. Rad guy. Shame he doesn't skate anymore, but I think he fucked his knee so many times he had to stop as he was missing a lot of time off of work.

There a little Nick Jensen in there, too - both in terms of the one trick appearance and his size. He used to be part of the OG crew at Playstation. He was there every single day only disappearing off to Southbank at weekends, although he'd return for the evening session. True rat.

Simon Skipp has the one foot roll away from the Fakie Backlip on a bench which is now the local hang out in Romford for a bunch of Emo kids who carry their boards by their trucks and have yet to figure out that they could skate the benches as opposed to just sit on them smoking Marlboro Reds...

Tom Ball is in there with the Nick Jensen WFTW Double set stair ollie amongst other things. Tom was stoked Nick did that in his video part (Nick did it in a line a few years after).
Chris Ault returned and killed those stairs for a HTL edit a couple of years ago.
Tom also has probably the first footage of Skipps Ditch, way before we cut back the bushes, fixed the ledges and concreted it up...

Old times...

1 comment:

  1. I have a couple of EPs by WRM, good stuff! Stoked on this footage, funny how all footage from then has the same look and feel.
